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What's New?

September 7

10:00-11:30 AM

Houseplant Care and Repotting

Houseplants are critical to a healthy indoor living environment for the winter. We’ll go over how to safely bring all kinds of plants inside and either store or grow them for the winter. Bring one (1) houseplant that you want to work on.

$15.00/person plus the cost of potting mix and any pot needed for the repotting. 

September 28

10:00-11:30 AM

Cannabis Harvesting

The Key to enjoying your crop. Slow and steady wins the taste challenge. Using tools and resources for long term storage.

With Mike King.  

$35 per person 

OR $90 for all 3 classes when paid up front. Save $15.

October 5

10:00-11:30 AM

Fall Mineral Mixing

 Most soils are damaged and are non-functional or intermittently functional. Poor nutrient cycling is inherent in how these damaged soils operate, but fall is THE time to fix this! Join us for a mineral mixing day at the store as we walk everyone through how to mix different minerals together to wake up and strengthen soil systems.

$15 per person plus the cost of the minerals you take with you.

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          New to The Good Earth is Vermont Compost Company’s line of composts! VC is best known for its potting soil called Fort Vee – a compost based potting soil that includes a mix of finely ground granite and basalt, which provides slow-release minerals in your gardens for years after transplant. We also have VC’s Manure Compost, Compost Plus and Perennial Blend. All three have been developed to actually do a job for your garden or containers when you use them.

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